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(Photo @ Kanina Holmes)

Meaghan Brackenbury

Journalism and Human Rights Major

Carleton University

Ottawa, ON

"You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending."

- C.S. Lewis

As an aspiring storyteller and perpetual student of life, there is still so much learning and growing I have to do. There is so much that my surroundings and those around me can teach me.


Beginning on the 23rd of June, I will be embarking to the Yukon for five weeks of intensive education in the Stories North Program, run by the Yukon College. Alongside my peers and some amazing mentors, I will be challenged as I never have been before, expanding my conception of what it means to be a respectful, engaged, and connected storyteller.


Follow me along this journey as I share with you my thoughts, some of my work, and hopefully, all of the incredible things I will have been fortunate enough to learn.

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